Deidre collecting Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) seeds north of Barstow, August 2013 |
Hello, my name is Deidre and I started working at the Rancho
Santa Ana Botanic Garden (RSABG) as a Seeds of Success Intern in August, 2013. I am
originally from the Twin Cities, Minnesota,
and did my undergraduate work at the University
of Wisconsin- Madison.
While I have some field experience out west in Montana
and New Mexico, working on Seeds of Success in
has been a bounty of new plants, habitats and culture to experience. It is
amazing how much public land remains in Southern
California, especially in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. Though I
have moved to one of the most populated areas of the country, I find myself in
areas where I don’t see another soul for most of the day. I will give an
overview of the Seeds of Success project, a typical work day, and some of this
year’s highlights.
Seeds of Success is a national program set forth by the
Bureau of Management (BLM) that aims to collect, conserve, and develop native
plant materials for stabilizing, rehabilitating, and restoring lands in the United States.
RSABG receives funding from the BLM as a partner to combine seed collecting
efforts in Southern California. For 2013, our
team made a total of 67 collections from 31 different species native to California. A
typical collection includes a minimum of 10,000 seeds, a voucher of the plant,
photos of the plant, seed, and site, and data describing the location, habitat,
soil, and associated species.
Manybristle chinchweed (Pectis papposa) near Algodones Sand Dunes, October 2013 |
So how do we find these native plant populations? First, we
do some research at the garden taking precipitation, herbarium records, and
bloom periods into account. We may plan a trip based on one or all of these
three factors; rain is often the key to finding blooming plants in the desert,
even outside of normal bloom periods. Since our collecting regime is so large,
we rarely run out of places to check for populations and many stops are added
on the fly if we spot the telltale sign of water in the desert: green creosote
bush (Larrea tridentata). Once we find a population that has at least 50
plants that are flowering and appear they will likely make at least 10,000
viable seeds, we take photos and voucher a few plants for herbarium records.
About a month after full flowering, we will return to collect seeds. We test
for ripeness with a cut test to split the seed and make sure the inside is
filled, firm, healthy.
Some 2013 collecting highlights:
Acton’s brittlebrush (Encelia actoni) |
he first collection I made upon arriving to California was of the Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia)
north of Barstow.
It was like walking from one spiky desert piƱata to another as we used sticks
and rocks to knock the fruits off the inflorescence and catch them or quickly
gather them off the floor.
Manybristle chinchweed (Pectis papposa) was the “yellow
carpet” of Mojave and Sonoran desert this fall. The late summer rains allowed
for the hot water needed to germinate generally thousands of chinchweed seeds
in an area. It has a very distinct smell that was very useful for identification
even before the bright yellow flowers were open.
Parish’s goldeneye (Bahiopsis parishii) |
Final collection of the season, (this December!), was in Ruby Canyon
of the Bighorn Mountain Wilderness area. Acton’s
brittlebrush (Encelia actoni) and Parish’s goldeneye (Bahiopsis parishii) were
that last two species for 2013 in a part of the high Mojave that is still
surprisingly colorful for this time in the year.
This year, I have especially enjoyed working outside, making
seed collections at seemingly desolate sites upon first glance, and
appreciating parts of the desert that no one may have ever appreciated. I am
thankful for such a lovely field season and opportunity to conserve the
precious native plants of Southern California.
Check back for more collecting news in the spring!